New Vaping Dangers Making Headlines

We’ve been hearing about vaping for the past decade or so: how it may be a safer alternative to smoking, how it’s growing in popularity. But recently there’s been a shift in the coverage of vaping. We are now beginning to realize the many potential dangers of this trending habit.

Vaping is the use of e-cigarettes, devices that turn a fluid containing nicotine and flavoring into an aerosol vapor that is inhaled much like a cigarette, but without the tar or smoke that are characteristic of regular paper cigarettes.

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Never Make These Tooth Mistakes

We love our teeth. They help us eat, they give us a beautiful smile, and they keep our jaw bones healthy and strong. But sometimes we do things to our teeth that are bad for them and can cause irreparable damage. Some of these bad habits can be easy to break, but others take some practice. Here are just a few things you should never ever do with your teeth - and some solutions, too.

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Natural-Looking Teeth Trending in Hollywood

Having white, healthy teeth is something many people aspire to. Studies have shown that people perceive white teeth as making you look younger, healthier and more attractive. But for some people, getting those pearly whites the right shade of white can be a challenge. Stained, cracked, chipped and misshapen teeth can be impossible to improve without dental intervention, but there are solutions for those willing to pay the price.

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Lasers Could Heal Periodontal Disease

A new treatment may be coming to a dental practice near you, and it could save you a lot of pain when it gets here. Until recently, patients suffering from halitosis (or bad breath) due to periodontal disease or gum inflammation were limited in what they could do to eliminate the condition.

But a recent development could change all that – and it comes in the form of a very high-tech new device.

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Who Needs a Mouth Guard?

Do you wear a mouth guard? Maybe you feel like you don’t need to because you don’t play a sport, but there are many reasons people wear mouth guards that have nothing to do with athletic activities. Mouth guards can be a significant financial investment for some people, but believe it or not, they can often pay for themselves over time, especially when it comes to wear and tear on the teeth. Here are a few ways in which anyone can benefit from wearing a mouth guard.

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Sleep Apnea Ruins More than Just Sleep

An estimated 30 million adults suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that causes stopping and restarting of breathing during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the upper airway collapsing while the body is in the reclined position. It can cause snoring, gasping and choking noises while the affected person sleeps. Unfortunately, it can also cause a lot more trouble for sufferers, especially when left untreated. If you’re still not convinced that your obstructive sleep apnea is worth taking seriously, check out these reasons for treating this dangerous condition.

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Parkinson’s Disease Linked to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder


Parkinson’s disease affects an estimated 10 million people worldwide, with men 1.5 times more likely to have the illness than women. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disease caused by degeneration of the brain’s basal ganglia and the brain’s dopamine transmitter. Parkinson’s disease most commonly affects persons over the age of 50, but approximately 4 percent are diagnosed with the illness prior to age 50.

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Are Sleep Orthotics Better?

If you have obstructive sleep apnea, you may have been led to believe that CPAP therapy is the only treatment option. The problem is, CPAP is often uncomfortable, and as a result many people who are prescribed CPAP therapy simply do not use their machine, rendering it useless in treating their apnea. But the good news is there is a solution. Custom sleep orthotics can be an excellent alternative to CPAP therapy. Here’s why.

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Caring for Temporary Crowns

Getting a dental crown can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone, but the procedure is nothing to be afraid of. Think of your crown as a deluxe filling – the Cadillac of fillings, if you will. A crown is a great way to restore your tooth without being obvious. If your dentist recommends you have a crown put on, congratulations – most likely your natural tooth can be saved!

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Don’t Be Fooled by Tourism Dentistry

Dental care can be expensive, especially when it’s not covered by insurance. Much of the cosmetic dental work done in America is not covered, making cosmetic dentistry a significant investment in one's health and well-being. Thankfully there are options such as health savings accounts and financing, but for some people there’s a new option that is making headlines around the country. There has been a recent increase in interest in something called "tourism dentistry," where American dental patients go to other countries for dental work. Proponents say it’s both cheaper and "just as good" as the care you might receive domestically. But is that really true?

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Can a Retainer Cause Neck Pain?

There’s something different about actress Dakota Johnson these days. Following a recent appearance on the talk show The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Johnson revealed that a change in her famous gap-toothed smile was due to the removal of a permanent retainer. According to Johnson, once the retainer was removed, her teeth shifted, and the signature space between her top two central incisors closed up. Johnson addressed concerns of saddened fans who have grown accustomed to the actress’s teeth, which in a sea of spotless Hollywood smiles always stood out. She assured them that the gap would be back following further treatment.

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The Many Risks of Sleep Apnea

An estimated 22 million Americans suffer from the not-so-silent sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is defined as a sleep disorder that causes those affected to repeatedly stop and restart breathing throughout the night. This often translates to restless nights, causing health issues such as lethargy and fatigue that reverberate throughout their waking day. But emerging research is finding that sleep apnea may be causing more problems than just restless nights and tired days. Here’s what you should know about the dangers of sleep apnea.

There are three main types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea and complex sleep apnea syndrome. Of these three main apnea types, the most common is obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when there is an obstruction to the throat muscles, such as pressure on other parts of the throat caused by obesity. Obstructive sleep apnea is an especially dangerous form of sleep apnea because it is usually caused by and occurs with other health problems.

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What to Know About Strawberry Gingivitis

You may have seen the pictures going around the internet of an Iranian woman who went to the dentist with complaints of gum inflammation and was diagnosed with a condition called "strawberry gingivitis." The photos show red, inflamed gums with a puffy, strawberry-like appearance, giving the condition its telling nickname. But what is strawberry gingivitis, and should the average person be worried about developing this dangerous condition?

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Apple Cider Vinegar and Teeth

It’s soaring in popularity among celebrities and developing a cult following among the rest of the population. It’s supposed to do everything from suppress appetite to lower cholesterol – and it's affordable and available over the counter. So, what’s this miracle substance? It’s none other than apple cider vinegar - and it’s definitely got some cool uses.

Naturally derived from apples, apple cider vinegar develops via the process of fermentation, when the sugar in apples turns into alcohol. When mixed with a bacterium called acetobacter, the alcohol then turns to something called acetic acid, and then to what we know as apple cider vinegar. There are a lot of claims out there about what apple cider vinegar can do. But how much of that is true? Read on to learn more about this natural wonder product.

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Spring Oral Health Checkup

With spring almost here and warmer weather on the way, now is the perfect time for a spring cleaning - of your mouth! It may not seem obvious, but changing your oral health routine each season is a must to maintain a healthy smile. Here are some things you can do to maintain your oral health this spring.

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Physical Therapy Can Complement TMJ Treatment


If you have temporomandibular joint disorder, you know the pain and frustration that usually goes along with it: stiff neck and jaw, headaches, back aches and ringing ears, just to name a few. It can often feel like neuromuscular dentistry treatment isn’t working fast enough, and there’s nothing you can do to ease the pain in the interim. But there’s a treatment you may not have considered, and it works concurrently with your neuromuscular dentistry treatment: physical therapy.

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Good Oral Hygiene May Prevent Lupus

Over the past few years, research has shown that poor oral health contributes to more than just cavities, bad breath and gum disease. It has been found to cause or contribute to everything from heart disease to diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and even stroke. But new research is linking poor oral health - or more specifically gum disease - to the illness lupus.

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Study Links Oral Health, High Blood Pressure

With a staggering 75 million Americans estimated to have high blood pressure, a new study in the publication Hypertension is calling on doctors and dentists to pay close attention to patients with high blood pressure and periodontitis. The study found that of 3,600 patients with high blood pressure, those who had healthier gums also had lower blood pressure numbers than their counterparts with periodontal disease.

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6931 Hits

Are Periodontal Disease and Alzheimer’s Linked?


According to research from the University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine and Dentistry in London, patients with periodontal disease could be at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers analyzed brain tissue samples from 10 patients with Alzheimer’s disease and 10 without. Of the samples of those who did have Alzheimer’s, four of the 10 showed signs of lipopolysaccharides associated with periodontal disease in their brain tissue.

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Make Oral Health a Priority in Cancer Care

Undergoing treatment for cancer can be a scary and stressful ordeal, especially if surgery is required. With so many things to remember and arrangements to be made for before and after care, it's easy to forget important steps along the way. But researchers are now saying that one surprising step in pre-op care could literally be the difference between life and death, post operation.

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