Save That Smile with These Stress Beaters

Stress. It can strike at any time, any place, and for any reason. But when it comes to stress, nothing seems to bring it on quite like work. Whether it’s a tough client, a fast-approaching deadline or a project that just won’t seem to come together, for most people, work stress is just a fact of life. Worse yet, stress can cause us to do some bad things, including grinding our teeth, clenching our jaws and even mindlessly snacking on sugary foods.

But you don’t need to let stress ruin your oral health. Here are some tips you can use anywhere to help reduce your stress level without gritting your teeth or reaching for that bag of candy hidden in your desk (we see you!).

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  7206 Hits
7206 Hits

The Biggest Threats to Tooth Enamel


Your tooth enamel is the hardest biological material in our body - harder than even bone. But despite its strength, it is still susceptible to damage from some surprisingly common culprits. Keeping enamel safe and intact is the best way to maintain the health of your teeth, but many people don’t realize these common behaviors could be putting their enamel at risk.

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  3335 Hits
3335 Hits

Oral Health Care at Work


It’s a fact of life these days that most of us work pretty long hours. Those late workdays don’t leave time for much outside of work - including maintaining our oral health. But don’t let a hectic workday be your excuse to not care for your teeth. It may seem impossible, or at very least not worth the trouble, but keeping your teeth clean during the workday is a great way to stave off many oral health problems that could arise down the line. Here are a few of our favorite tips.

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  3657 Hits
3657 Hits
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