Teeth, Heal Thyself

If you think of how dental technology has changed over the decades from the days of wooden dentures and boar-bristle toothbrushes, it’s pretty astounding. But for all the advances in how we care for and examine teeth, there has not been much change in the way we heal teeth - until now. That’s because scientists at King’s College in London are creating a self-regenerating tooth.

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How Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss

Dental Implants are becoming the standard of care for adult tooth loss, largely due to the fact that they provide superior bite force in comparison to bridges and dentures. They also prevent further bone loss from the structure of the jawline. Dr. Lederman explains how.

The dental implant is made up of a titanium screw that is surgically placed into the jawbone topped by a porcelain crown that replaces the missing tooth. The titanium screw functionally fills the space that was once taken by the roots of the extracted tooth, and provides stability for the crown above the gum line.

The screws are made of titanium specifically because titanium has the ability to fuse to the bone, a process called osseointegration. The fusion between the titanium and bone preserves the previously weakened bone structure caused by the loss of the tooth.

Without the placement of the implant, the bone density is lost because the stimulation of the root structure by the pressure of chewing is necessary to support the body’s natural upkeep of the alveolar sac like structure in the bone that was once a pocket that held the teeth.

Without the stimulation created by the tooth chewing, the root structure retracts and the pocket collapses causing the jawbone structure to thin and recede. Over time, with multiple teeth lost, the remaining teeth will drift to fill in the space occupied by missing teeth, causing problems with jaw alignment. If you have questions about Dental Implants call us at 516-882-1764.

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