White Fillings Can Also Repair Chipped or Cracked Teeth

White fillings, also referred to as tooth colored fillings or composite resin fillings, have long been used for fillings, but with advances in technology, they can also help restore the shape of chipped or cracked teeth. Dr. Lederman recommends white fillings for their cosmetic advantages as well as the concerns that have been raised over the potential toxicity of metal fillings.

Traditional fillings are made up of an amalgam of tin, silver, mercury, zinc and copper, and they prevent the spread of tooth decay, but can be quite noticeable because of the metal’s color. They are generally considered safe by the American Dental Association, but some researchers have voiced concerns about mercury toxicity, which could affect patients if they are exposed to large amounts of mercury.

Composite resin fillings are made up of a flexible combination of plastic and glass that are tinted to match the shade of the patient’s natural teeth. The material is flexible and can be shaped before being hardened by the application of a special blue light. Unlike amalgam which is simply shaped to fit the hole drilled into the tooth, the composite resin actually bonds directly to the tooth and can be used to repair chipped teeth, cracked teeth, or fill cavities on the front sides of teeth.

For more information about white fillings, or to schedule an appointment, please contact our office at (516) 882-1764.

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